
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My 2012 Word of The Year {Embrace}

This year, I've heard so much about choosing a single word as a theme for the year to replace the normal list of New Year's resolutions.  As someone who is always looking for ways to simplify, I quickly got on board with the concept. Then, I saw that Layla over at The Lettered Cottage was hosting a Word of the Year party, and I wanted to share too!

via Pinterest source lost in paradise

My word of the year is - Embrace

I've been thinking about this word for a couple of weeks and it seems to fit all of the things I hope to accomplish, both personally and business-wise for Love Elaine.  And, by putting it out there for the world (let's be honest as the whole world won't see) to see, I'm hoping to hold myself accountable and see where this word takes me. This year, here's what I hope to to:

Embrace Opportunity
Opportunity can come in many different shapes, sizes and ways into your life. This year, I want to keep my eyes, ears and heart open to whatever opportunities come my way.

Alexa's Angels

Embrace The Moment
Too often with everything going on in my life, I forget to As a born goal setter, I often overlook today in favor of a goal set for the future and miss out on the enjoyment of today. Not anymore!

Source Funnelcloud on Etsy

Embrace Imperfections
Being a perfectionist to my core, having a handmade business has taught me so many things about that side of myself. I've spent hours tweaking something or completely remade an item that wasn't "perfect" to my uber-critial eye. And in the end, the only person who noticed the flaw was me. So, I'm slowly (hey, a girl's gotta start somewhere, right?!) learning that my best is good enough and that there is perfection in life's imperfections.

Source dazeychic on Etsy

Embrace Happiness
This is a follow-up to the previous one, and by far the most important for me this year. While I'm mostly a happy and pleasant person, I DWELL on unreached expectations on almost a daily basis. Things that most people chalk up to "just life" can sometimes put me in a tailspin. Not this year. This year, I will choose to embrace happiness - laugh more, celebrate more, and just do more, just for me, just because it makes me happy.

Ok, so now its your turn. Have you ever had a "word" for a year as a theme? What's your word for 2012?

The Lettered Cottage
Oh, and if you haven't already entered, click here to get details on the clutch giveaway to celebrate my birthday!


  1. Love the "Embrace Imperfections" I always call our family the most perfectly imperfect family out there :)!!

  2. what a great word for 2012. I hope you find many wonderful things to embrace this year!

    I have posted about my word of the year on my blog, if you wish to read about it!

  3. Love your word!-I am your newest follower from Layla's party-Stop by for a visit!
