My station all set up ready to begin! Notice how cute a water bottle looks with a bit of fabric tied around - who knew?!?!
Craft project for the night - make sealing wax stamps! I made a Love Elaine inspired heart within a heart (just check out the logo). I was worried that the impression on the inside wasn't going to turn out - the wood burning tool is not as easy as it looks!
Amanda & Meena wielding their wood burning tools with might :) It was SO GREAT to see these ladies!
My finished product! I think it looks pretty good. This just might show up on my holiday card if I have the patience to do 100!
And, because no trip to Anthropologie is complete without a lot of drooling browsing through the super cute items in the store, I spotted a few adorable vases that I MUST own for various rooms in my home. Consider these firmly on my Christmas list for Santa! (Hint... here is the link for easy shopping!)
There are a million other things in the store that were SO CUTE. Are there any items from Anthropologie that you hope Santa will bring you for Christmas?
Stalked . . . haha, so true! I had been crushing on this event for a while. :)