Have a Heart Necklace by Lauren at JerseyGirlDesign
Interesting tid-bit is that Lauren and I were sorority sisters in college at Virginia Tech, we're both Jersey Girls and now we're both successful Etsy sellers! There are lots of great things in her shop and on her blog. Head over there and follow it - she has an item of the week each week with free shipping! AND, she featured yours truly as an Etsy Shop of the Week :) I'm glad I can return the love - and so fitting that Valentine's Day is coming up!
Smitten Dessert Pedestal by Linda at Burlapandblue
I'm completely obsessed with dessert pedestals right now, and I recently purchased 3 pedestals from Burlap and Blue for Mom for Christmas and her birthday - she of course LOVED them! I first met Linda at Chesterfest this past September (although she doesn't remember) and as an experienced and successful Etsy seller and blooger (seriously, follow her blog - you won't regret it, its awesome!) she has taken me under her wing and has been a great craft-mentor!
Lindsey is a new seller on Etsy but she is a wonderful graphic designer, as well as a friend! We worked together here in Richmond before she moved to DC to teach and basically just start a new adventure! I can't wait to see what she comes up with next! You can see Lindsey's site here.
Honeysuckle Tula Pearl and Rose Ribbon Necklace by Twillypop
(*Friends Take Note - anything from this shop would be a GREAT gift for me anytime in the future. Just sayin'!)
(*Friends Take Note - anything from this shop would be a GREAT gift for me anytime in the future. Just sayin'!)